Life Is Short.

I have delayed writing this post for about a week now, because what is there to say… Danae died and it sucks, there is really no other way of putting it. She was so young, had so many dreams, and in many ways was just starting her life. It’s unfair, it doesn’t make sense, and when I start thinking about it I have way more questions than answers. The pain and hurting are very real.

Being with someone who is dying and watching them take their last breaths does a lot for perspective. The fragility of life and the thin veil between heaven and earth become very real, too real.  Our days are numbered and we will never know the end so it really is so important to live everyday like it is our last.

Since Danae has passed, I have found that apathy is not an option. To go through life in a mundane, mediocre, half-assed way is just a slap in the face to the individuals who didn’t have a chance to fully live out theirs. Don’t get me wrong Danae is doing better than all of us, now with her Creator in heaven, but after reading some journal entries, I really have realized how much she still had planned to do. She wasn’t ready, she was just getting started.

She fought to the last second. Watching someone struggle for their life makes you wonder why we get so comfortable to just waste away ours. I am not negating accomplishments and the things God has done in and through my life, but I know there is so much more, so much I haven’t tapped into, but no more.

Pursuing life with a fervency and the reminders of its frailty, is a gift that Danae has given to me that I will not take for granted.

Nae, I am taking the torch doll. Your plans and dreams will not be forgotten. I love you. #lolaslegacy

I challenge you as I challenge myself to evaluate those areas of your life, or maybe your life as a whole, that you are not living to your fullest potential. No excuses, fear is not an option, pursue your passions because your days, as well as mine, are numbered. We have one life.

Love you all and appreciate the constant prayers and support.



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  • Tom
    May 18, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    Wow! Incredible blog entry!

  • Rain Yount Butt
    May 18, 2016 at 3:42 pm

    Tears rolled as I read it. The last meal that I shared with Nae, she talked about you and this blog. Xo

  • Jude Stewart
    May 19, 2016 at 8:47 pm

    beautifully said ….