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Taco Soup For Fools ;)

Taco Soup - The Balance Culture - Kirstin Czernek - Nutrition

It has hit a chilling 70 degrees here in Florida, which means we have tiny (miniscule) moments of cold that we cling on to. To fight the chill šŸ˜‰ we bust out the soups! Taco soup has been my ā€œgo-toā€ soup this winter! I am the type of person that can eat the same thing over and over until I literally hate it and canā€™t eat it again for a year (sandwiches, sushi, Saigon, eggs, and spaghetti squash to name…

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Recovery From An Eating Disorder & Anxiety

For this to all make sense read part oneĀ and part two of my eating disorder journey. So I went home from MercyĀ to find that everything was pretty much the same but I was so very different. My relationships drastically changed because I was a different person and everything just kinda felt weird, not necessarily in a bad way, just weird. I was very strict with myself and continued to keep the same schedule and perimeters that I had a Mercy.…

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Redemption From An Eating Disorder

I wrote the story about struggling with an eating disorder in my last post, to understand this one start here. Just because you realize you have a problem does not necessarily mean you are ready for the solution. If anything this is the most annoying/frustrating place to be in because at least when you are in the dark you are not held accountable to anyone including yourself. Once you know you have a problem you feel this constant nagging to…

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