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Life With An Eating Disorder

It surprises me that I haven’t talked in detail about my struggle with an eating disorder with you guys. It is a pretty big part of my story but one that I am pretty far removed from. I am a completely different person but I still know it is a part of me. I think once we receive freedom in an area in our lives we kinda want to forget about the person we were before because it hurts. It…

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Gluten-Free Muffins/Cupcakes & Other Ramblings

I am OBSESSSSSEEEDDD with Fall you guys!!! Like obsessed! I know every white girl says that but I really really mean it! September 1st, I bust out all of the decorations and different variations of Fall candles (pumpkin cinnamon, cinnamon pumpkin, Fall harvest, harvest in Fall, white pumpkin, orange pumpkin) basically a hundred of the same freakin’ candle but they all smell so different at the store! On a candle note, shout to my girl Angela Barkett with Pure &…

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Stepping Out In Faith Over And Over And Over Again…

I think it’s important to share my process with you guys because I have met with so many people who are all in a similar place as me. Although it difficult, being vulnerable through this season connects us, shows my humanness and allows me to show you guys what a process it all is. If there is anything these past eight months has shown me, is that stepping out in faith does not get easier, you just begin to trust…

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