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Fav Books and Documentaries on Healthy Living

Fav Books and Documentaries - The Balance Culture - Kirstin Czernek - Nutrition

So obvi everyone is all about the healthy eating and lifestyle changes that come with the New Year. It’s almost like a reset button that most of us are excited about hitting. I love this time of year and get super amped about setting goals and achieving them! I get a new revived buzz of energy and I am ready to go! A big part of my health transformation was becoming educated. Most people aren’t intentionally trying to eat unhealthy,…

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Goal Setting From a Goal Setting Addict

Goal Setting - The Balance Culture - Kirstin Czernek - Personal Growth

You guys I am a total goal setting junkie! If you know me this is a super big deal every year (especially around New Years), but I literally make any excuse to be constantly setting goals. Obsessed much? Yes! It helps me to accomplish tasks, stay on track, motivated, and I get way more done than if I hadn’t set them in the first place. I built the whole Balance Culture biz on goal setting. I would set deadlines on…

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Staying Hot (like sexy) During The Holiday Season

Holiday Eating - The Balance Culture - Kirstin Czernek - Nutrition

I opened up blog topic ideas to you guys on Facebook and got so many great ideas! One theme threaded throughout your responses was concerning the holidays and how to eat healthy. This is such a great idea because it is something everyone struggles with, including myself! It’s hard because you don’t want to be that weirdo that brings their own food to a party but you also don’t want to pig out and spend January and February working extra…

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