
Mom Life



lHeyyyyyy guyyyysss! Sooooo I wanted to talk to you guys about protein and some things I have been doing to up my protein intake! Little backstory here, I have been a vegetarian for about three years. I started this because I learned a lot about the blood type diet and decided to try it out. Blood Type Diet means you eat according to your blood type and that your blood type effects how you process/break down food. I am A+, so basically…

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I have gone back and forth about whether to write this post. I wish vulnerability was one of those things that the more you did it, the easier it is to do, I feel like with vulnerability it is the opposite. You feel like you already have exposed yourself so to expose more is even scarier. I have found it really helpful to me when people can relate to me or when something I said effects them personally, so it is always worth it, but still just as scary.…

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Starting A TV Show (really, but not really ;) )

Hello hello friends! So about a month ago Ruthie and I had an idea to start a YouTube channel. Basically we want to be famous and see this as our big break (I kid, I kid 😉 ). The real reason is we wanted a way to easily share our passions (health, fitness, nutrition, the studio, business, make up, hair, life in general) and all that jazz. I am in a very “why the heck not” season, so when we…

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