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Dehydration Station

Dehydration Station - The Balance Culture - Kirstin Czernek - Nutrition

Have you guys heard of a dehydrator!?!? It’s all the craze right now in the health community so I had to get me one! I got one for Christmas (thanks Mama and Papa!) and haven’t stopped using it since! I have been dehydrating the ‘ish’ out of stuff and loving every second! Basically a dehydrator “bakes” foods at a super low heat (like lower then your oven can go, 115°ish ) for a long period of time and dries it…

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Confessions Of A Junk Food Healthy Eater

I had a massive reality check over the last few weeks and I wanted to update you guys! Eating healthy definitely has levels, serious levels. Obvi I am all about the balance but even that changes over time. When I first jumped on the health train I was riding it hard. I gave up all processed food and became super mindful of what I was eating and focused on fueling my bod while also splurging from time to time. Along…

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How to Declutter Your life 101 From An Expert/Me

Declutter - The Balance Culture - Kirstin Czernek - Life

I know what everyone is thinking, Spring cleaning! Christmas decorations are coming down (tear emoji) and its time for a new you/ new home! Am I the only one? I go through this every year (ok maybe several times a year). I am pretty much a neat freak (no apologies) and freaking hate clutter, like HATE it! I can’t think when my house/ space/ office/ studio are cluttered! You know all those fear shows like Fear Factor and stuff like…

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