
Mom Life


To The Girl Who Is Really Nervous To Come To A Fitness Class

Hey girl, I get it. Fitness classes can be SUPER intimidating. A bunch of girls with six packs, super fit, and beautiful all jumping around in class together working to chisel` those abs just a little more. This is what we think and how we feel so we don’t go because we don’t want to be the only “normal” girl there. Believe it or not there was a time that I was going to my first fitness class too and I…

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Seasonal Regret

Seasonal regret is an idea/concept that I came up with a while ago. I am about to give you a snapshot into my mind and how it works so buckle up! One of my number one pet peeves about myself is when I look back at a season of my life and think about how much I stressed and worried about whatever it is that was going on and borderline ruined that season of life because of it. I chose…

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Being a Woman in Business (without a business background)

The question I have gotten over the last two years more than any other question has been about starting a business without business background, what it is like to be an entrepreneur in a heavily male dominated industry, and how I pushed past all the fears and insecurities. I have attempted to write this post literally a hundred different times, but get too overwhelmed with everything I want to share, so I close my computer and move forward. My business…

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