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GF Cookies For The Win

Who doesn’t love cookies, am I right?? Nobody is ever like “I don’t like cookies” and if they are they are lying and don’t deserve to be your friend 😉 . Nothing like a good freaking cookie while you sit on the couch watching Netflix and binging on whatever show is “your show” at that time (hence my Sunday night, shout out to all the other PLL fans 😉 ) So I have recently got super into Pinterest! I was…

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Whats Been In My Ear

You guysssssss….. I am addicted to self-development these days! Like I can’t stop, don’t want to, and I want to share with you all my really cool finds!!! A few weeks ago Tomas and I went to Starbucks on our date and we were just planning on having a little pick-me-up before heading to a movie. We then got on a random tangent and he was telling me about all of the self-development stuff he had been listening to and…

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Mercy 2.0

You guys these last few days have been a whirlwind. If you have been following along for awhile you know that I have shared that I am not an emotional person (almost to a fault), I will tell you all today I have felt like at any moment I could burst into tears (both happy and sad)… If you don’t really know my story and for this to make sense I would say start with this post. A few months…

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