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National Eating Disorder Awareness Week

To be honest this week kinda snuck up on me, it wasn’t until I saw the hashtag floating around that it registered with me. I tried to write this post and got stuck a few times. I left it and revisited it only to hit the same wall again… Truth is I really don’t know what to say, eating disorders suck, I know that, and I am so thankful I no longer struggle with one but am also grieved by…

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Avocado Pudding

I think if someone told me I had to live off of one food for the rest of my life it would be avocados. They are so freaking good it is unreal! I have probably eaten 4 a week for the last three years. You know how you can add cheese to anything like even a piece of cardboard and it will taste good, that’s what avocados do for me. I add it to my eggs, salads, soups, sandwiches, you…

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Favorite Restaurants In Lakeland & What I Order

I understand that going out to eat all the time is not the healthiest thing in the world. I am guilty of LOVING restaurants, so when I do this I try to pick healthy options! I love going out with my girlfriends during the week for lunch and then with Tomas for date nights over the weekend! I really don’t like cooking so when someone else will do it for me I consider it a win in my book! I…

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