
Mom Life


Aspen Casual

Omgeeee you guys Aspen was so beautiful it is hard to put into words! The mountains are insanely gorgeous, I felt like my eyes had a difficult time taking it all in! The little town was so cute!! Everything was in walking distance and had a very “Stars Hollow” (Gilmore Girls reference- duh) feel with a lot of super high-end stores and restaurants. *Tom took this pic on his iPhone, isn’t he the best!?!? Freaking magical!!! Backstory: So I shared…

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Be Your Own Goals

Ahhhhh I am so excited to share this!!! “Be your own goals”, are four words that have radically changed my life in the last few months… Backstory: as women we are literally the worst at comparing ourselves a million times a day in a million different ways. Especially when it comes to our appearance! We set pics of hot girls as the background/home screen of our phone or on our fridge to keep us motivated towards whatever goal we are…

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Aspen With My Man

Holla Holla! We are headed to Aspen my friends and I am SOOO freakin’ excited I can’t even handle my little self! I have never been (Tomas has) but I hear it’s cold 😉 I am preparing my little Florida heart for this… #UGGS As you guys have probably kinda figured, Tomas and I aren’t your typical couple in the sense that we don’t work 9-5’s, dinner together is a rarity, and we don’t have many days “off”. But it…

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