This is kinda a random post but I get asked about it all. the. time! So I thought I would go ahead and share! First off, I wanna go ahead and give a little shout out to my fav grocery store in all the world Club Pub AKA Publix. I am so sorry for those who follow and don’t have access to this amazing mecca that is so costumer driven but just trust me when I say it, it’s amaze!
When writing this post, I am writing with my (yes it’s mine) Southgate Publix in mind. Yes, I am one of those peeps that writes their list based on her route around the store! It’s the most logical and reasonable way to go about it!!! Duh!
Ok so before I even walk in the store, I always have my list! I have an ongoing list going in my phone and I am constantly adding to it as I run out of stuff, it takes one second for me to pull up the list and write it down. I don’t want to go to the store 100 times a week (as much as I love it) and want to make my one time super worth it! I then always go though my fridge and pantry right before so I know what I have and don’t double-buy or forget something.
You guys know I meal prep (a whole post coming on this soon!) so I preplan those meals ahead of time so I know what to buy and then I always have my staples, the things I cant live without, that I always buy because it makes sense! This includes a bunch of greens, fruit, veggies, lean proteins, healthy snacks, chocolate, coffee and creamer! Ok let’s go into detail though! You should be able to click on each of the pink items so you can see what it looks like and find it in your store! I also get a lot of questions about the sugar, butter, creamer ect. I use so that will all be on here too!
Produce/Refrigerated Area:
- Kale (both prechopped for salad and on long leaves for juicing)
- Spinach (for juicing & eating)
- Collards (for juicing)
- Big Carrots (for juicing)
- Baby Carrots (for snacking)
- Bananas
- Cucumbers (for snacking)
- Avocado (like 10)
- Snap Peas (for snacking)
- Apples (for juicing (huge bag) & snacking(mangotango))
- Oranges (for juicing)
- Sweet Potatoes
- Eat Well Embrace Life Hummus (Sriracha Carrot, Edamame, & Spicy Yellow Lentil)
- Simply Dressed Salad Dressing (Blue Cheese & Ranch)
- Organic Girl Salad Love (White Cheddar)
- Santa Cruz Organic Lemon and Lime Juice
- Cuties Clementine’s
*PS when it comes to produce and buying organic I usually go by the dirty dozen and clean fifteen list>>>>>>>> link
- Wolfgang Puck Butternut Squash Soup
- Rao’s Pasta Sauce (Vodka)
- Organic Black Beans Publix Brand
- Organic Chickpeas Publix Brand
- Organic Pinto Beans Publix Brand
- Lindsey Naturals Green Olives
- Quinoa
- Stevia Publix Brand
- Udi’s Gluten Free Omega Flax & Fiber Bread
- Nature’s Path Gluten Free Waffles Buckwheat Wildberry
- Morningstar Maple Sausage Patties
- Morningstar California Garden Veggie Burgers
- Morningstar Chik Patties
- Almond Breeze Original & Unsweetened Vanilla
- Silk Creamer Vanilla
- Naturals Creamer Hazelnut
- Brown Cage Free Eggs
- Kerrygold Butter
- Parmesan Shaved Publix brand
- Kind Bars (Peanut butter & Strawberry, Caramel Almond & Sea Salt)
- Think Thin Bars (Protein Nut Dark Chocolate)
- Oh Yeah! Bars (Cookies & Cream, Pumpkin)
- Quest Bars (Coconut Cashew)
- Simply Cheetos
- Late July Organic Tortilla Chips
- Honey Dijon Almonds
- Dark Chocolate (Endangered Species Dark Chocolate with Toffee)
- Dry Roasted Cashews
- Justin’s Maple Almond Butter
I love Publix obvi but I also buy some food items from Target, SAMs, Chamberlin’s Health Food Store, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Amazon. This list is specifically for Publix though. I will do a post in the future on those spots!
Side note: These are a lot of the staples I buy about every other week and then meal prep with meals on top of that. I will share some meal prepping tips and ideas in the future as well! I know you guys had a lot of questions about the brands I eat so I hope this is helpful!!
Share with me your Club Pub Faves!
**watch my hubs enduring a grocery trip with me, he’s a trooper and deserves a prize!!! >>> IMG_5734
**Profesh Pics are by the Amazing Christine Wozz Photography >>>>>
Ann-Marie Arnold
March 21, 2016 at 8:34 pmHi Kirstin! I noticed you have think thin bars on your list. I LOVE these. What are your thoughts on the sugar alcohol in them. Good? Bad? In between? Just curious and wanted to know your thoughts! Have a great day!
Ann-Marie Arnold
March 21, 2016 at 8:34 pmHi Kirstin! I noticed you have think thin bars on your list. I LOVE these. What are your thoughts on the sugar alcohol in them. Good? Bad? In between? Just curious and wanted to know your thoughts! Have a great day!
Kirstin Czernek
March 28, 2016 at 8:00 pmI would say in between, not the worst but not the best thing either! Balance
Good question!