One Week Later…

To say that you guys are amazing would be the understatement of the century! The response I got from the last post was so unreal and the power that vulnerability has to break down walls is truly amazing! It’s nice to know that we are all kinda in this little “life” boat together with many of the same struggles and trying to live life to the fullest, while figuring it out along the way….

It’s crazy to think how in the midst of our struggles, we feel so alone and then come to find out so many of us are in the same. exact. place. There is freedom in that for sure! Thanks for being real with me, friends.

So, I told you guys that I was going to be implementing some pretty big changes into my life and I want to share how in just one week so much has changed. The crazy thing to me is that I literally screwed things up over the course of a month and a half, but in just a few days God put the pieces back together beautifully and better than before! Like that’s unreal, right!?!?



So, what have I been up to?

Well, a few things. For starters, I have been investing in myself in several ways. One is in regards to leadership training. My best friend and her husband are launching a church in September (shout out Grace City!!) and in the meantime they are holding leadership meetings on Wednesday nights at 7pm at The Balance Culture studio (open to everyone!). Last week was the first one and I was seriously challenged… it’s kinda what inspired a lot of last week’s post. This will continue to be a staple in my life and really helps me to stay focused!

I have been investing in myself in other ways too… for instance, a new routine. Nothing makes you feel like you have your “ish” together like a solid new routine. This entails early morning workouts (sometimes I fail at this, it’s freaking hard to wake up at 6am!!!) journaling, reading my Bible, down time and not-so-late nights, to name a few!

I started reading again too! I love reading but tend to push it to the side when life gets busy… I started reading the book “The Me I Was Meant To Be” by John Ortberg. So far it has been exactly what I have needed to hear. If you have found yourself in a similar place as me, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check this book out!!

In terms of journaling, I made a small change that has seriously impacted my chances of actually doing it. I no longer handwrite my entries, I type them. The idea of having a cute hipster journal that I jot down my thoughts and carry around while people secretly think how disciplined and cool I am is nice, but for me it’s not practical. My brain is going a million miles a minute, anyone else? So, when I am thinking, I think so fast that my poor little hand can’t keep up and I end up loosing my train of thought. With typing, I hit the keys and my hands can almost keep up with this crazy girl’s brain. It’s just a simple word document with that date written and then my writing. Nothing glamorous, but boy am I processing the “H” out of life! Win!


I told you guys that my schedule was getting SUPER packed and I wasn’t able to fully enjoy anything, or be fully present. Well, I made some hard decisions and had some even harder conversations to change this and I have had so much peace with the outcome. It really is so hard to give up some of the things you love, but oh so necessary to live a life of excellence. The amount of grace I have received in pulling back from certain things has been so humbling… I just love people…

So, my next point is that I freaking love people (I know, I said it again). So, this is kinda weird, but growing up I was such an extrovert. My mom tells me that I could not be alone for a second and was always down for a good party (PG of course ;)). After treatment , I became way more introspective and an introvert. I loved hanging out with my peeps, but loved my “me” time even more. I married an EXTREME extrovert, so ask me how that went? It didn’t 😉 but we made it work! Well, flash forward to starting the business and meeting tons of people all. the. time. I L-O-V-E it! Humans are just so amazing and the countless opportunities I have had to meet so many new ones is mind blowing! Turns out, I think I am way more extroverted than I give myself credit for and I really feel charged up after spending time with people lately (when my priorities are in order). I find myself craving social interaction and loving a good, solid, social outing, or event! Who am I? This is SOOO weird! It can be intimidating to meet people for sure because it’s always that awkward dance of what to share, not to out-talk, or under acknowledge with the other person, but I can pretty much say each interaction I have had has really helped me to grow as a person and love people in a new way! I might have to take the Myers Briggs again and quite possibly trade in my INTJ for–dare I say, ENTJ! Shout out to my INTJers! We shall see 😉


This is about to turn into some ridiculous ramblings, so I am going to cut it off here…, but all this is just to say I am pumped about the new course of life, I feel refreshed and energized again, back to me and I am excited for what’s next! Anyone else experience some positive life changes in the last week? I want to hear!!!

P.S. I totally get that all weeks aren’t going to be this great but I am thankful for the ones where I feel focused, refreshed, and have a new perspective! (praisy hands emoji)

P.P.S. For those of you that came out to Pop-Up Pilates I. LOVE. YOU.!!!! We had such an amazing time and I was so overwhelmed (in the best way) by the 70 women who came out, sweated it out, and joined The Balance Culture community! The next one is on July 25th at 10am at the studio! See you there Balance Babes!!! (kissy face emoji)


1035 S. Florida Ave. #200

Lakeland, FL, 33803





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